Yemen’s missile attack exposes Israel’s defense vulnerabilities: Iranian MP

September 16, 2024 - 22:32

TEHRAN – Abbas Moghtadaei, Deputy Chairman of Iran's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee in Iranian parliament, has highlighted Israel’s defense system vulnerabilities following a missile strike by Yemen's Ansarullah movement.

In an interview with Iranian media on Monday, Moghtadaei asserted that the attack on Israeli soil revealed significant flaws in the Zionist regime's defense capabilities. 

Moghtadaei noted that the missile strike marked a growing strength within the Resistance Front. 

He stressed that the attack was not an isolated incident but part of a broader and ongoing Resistance campaign. 

“These attacks will persist as part of the Resistance's strategy,” he said, pointing out that the capabilities of groups like Ansarullah have advanced considerably, enabling them to strike deep within Israeli territory.

Moghtadaei took the opportunity to criticize the West, accusing Western powers of hypocrisy in their handling of international conflicts, particularly in Ukraine and Gaza. 

“The West’s double standards in dealing with Ukraine and Gaza demonstrate the hollowness of their human rights claims,” he remarked, adding that Western nations have been selectively vocal about human rights abuses, while turning a blind eye to the crimes of the Zionist regime.

He also called attention to the material and financial support provided to Israel by Western nations, especially in terms of military aid and media backing. 

“Western financial, military, and media support for Israel has strengthened the regime’s capacity for committing atrocities in Gaza,” Moghtadaei added, describing Ansarullah’s missile strike as a direct response to these actions. 

According to Moghtadaei, Israel’s repeated military operations in Gaza have highlighted its vulnerability. He argued that despite Israel’s military prowess, the Resistance Front has demonstrated that it can strike back effectively, showcasing Israel’s susceptibility to retaliatory attacks. 

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